Fisherman: "The time period you mention is not part of the inspired writings". I hope you're not suggesting that that history should then be ignored or disqualified. It is failrly well recognized and accepted that the apocryphal books of 1 & 2 Maccabees is fairly, historically accurate. There are other instances where we must rely on history to have justification for our conclusions. Since there are no dates in the Bible, secular history must be relied upon. This subject is well covered in several posts here when deciding the destruction of Jerusalem of Nebuadnezzars day. The evidence exposes 1914 C.E. as a false conclusion, because the destruction of Jerusalem is not 607 B.C.E., but rather 587/586. Depending how you look at that, it will either destroy your faith or strengthen it.
The immediate predecessors of Mary and Joseph must come from sources other than inspired writings as they are traced after the last OT book.
Couple of questions: When do the Pharisees, Sadducees, or Essenes and Synogogues first appear in Jewish history? From where or from what did they originate? What of the ancestry of the Herods and party of Herod? What impact did any of this have on early Christians, the majority of whom were previously of one of those influences. Jesus and the Apostles had to deal with all of it. How were priests such as Ananias and Caiaphus appointed, and which sect did they represent? Did HS appoint them? If it's important to you, how would you be able to sort out who the King of the North or King of the South was or is? To name but a few.
I think we're going to need the help of some uninspired resources, that is if we're trying to acquire truth and well being, especially after having been misled, willingly or not.